Do you like solving problems? Do you like working with a diverse set of people in a rapidly changing environment? Do you want to learn how to work with technology and use it to further the mission of The University of Texas at Austin? Do you have effective communication skills?
Consider becoming a Software Developer!
Download the Train to Become a Software Developer at UT Austin flyer (PDF)
About the job
UT Austin has a unique program designed for individuals who show an aptitude for software development work and it requires no experience. This is an on the job training opportunity to become Software Developers. Upon successful completion of the program, individuals join project teams that:
- Configure cloud-based systems
- Design, develop, and deploy administrative and business applications for the university
- Serve as technology and business process consultants to departments
- Analyze, improve, and streamline processes
- Document systems and processes
- Use innovative technological solutions to solve business problems
Required Qualifications
Applicants to the program must pass an aptitude test and submit a Software Developer employment application. Applicants must be interested in working collaboratively in a diverse work environment where teamwork is required.
How to Apply
Step 1: Schedule yourself to take the Software Developer Aptitude Test (You must have a UT EID to enroll. If you need to create a UT EID, please visit the UT EID Self-Service Tools website. If you have forgotten your UT EID or password, or are not sure if you already have one, you can also find/reset your UT EID/password as well.)
A few interesting things to note about the test:
- The test is not a coding exercise. It assumes no prior programming experience.
- The test is timed and proctored.
- You must make a grade of "A" on this test in order to apply for the position.
- You may take the test once every 24 months.
- Allow at least 2 hours for the test.
We seek out alternative viewpoints and respect the perspectives and experiences of individuals in our team. We actively align with the university’s commitment to respecting all individuals and valuing each perspective.
Applicants with disabilities or any accommodation request in the testing process can contact Human Resources at (512) 471-4772 or email HRSC@austin.utexas.edu for assistance.
Step 2: Check your score
Your grade (UT EID required) will be posted online within a week of your test date. If you made an “A” on the test, you are qualified to apply for any available Software Developer Trainee position(s) posted on the UT Jobs site.
Step 3: Submit your application
Submit your application online, or go to the Employment Center in UT Administration Building (UTA) at 1616 Guadalupe St. Room 1.408, Austin TX, 78701. You cannot apply for a Software Developer Trainee position before taking the test.
The University of Texas at Austin is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
We are Hiring!
Contact Information
Campus Mail Code:
Other Resources
The University of Texas at Austin's system for human capital management and payroll (HCM/Payroll)
askUS Knowledge Base
A repository of answers to frequently asked questions about university-wide systems and processes
Financial Resource Management System (FRMS)
A web-based system used to process cash prizes and departmental scholarships and fellowships