In 2022, eBITS completed work on a multi-year project to improve the Time and Absence experience for employees, managers, Timekeepers, and Absence Partners in Workday. The project began in 2020 with a series of discovery sessions involving eBITS, Human Resources, and representatives from Colleges, Schools, and Units from across UT.
The final phases of the project included implementing two new apps in Workday to assist with the entry, management, and approval of time and absences in Workday.
- The My Time and Absence App became the default method for accessing time entry and for employees to manage their time and absences. The new app provides employees with a simple interface to view timesheet status and access information such as time off balances and State Service accruals. For more information, continue reading Transition to My Time and Absence Completes on October 10.
- The Team Time and Absence App replaced multiple apps to become the single place for all Managers, Timekeepers, Time Associates, Time Analysts, and Absence Partners to access time and absence-related tasks and reports for the workers they support. For more information, continue reading Team Time and Absence App Transition will Complete on November 1, 2022.
As time entry impacts so many employees at UT, eBITS created a number of new training materials and partnered with offices, including FAS Communications and HRSS, to keep employees and their departments informed of changes and benefits involved in the transition to the new apps.
Other updates included in the Time and Absence Improvement Project included, new imbox filters for managing hourly timesheets from the Workday inbox, and an enhanced version of the Workday report Time Completion Report for Workers - RPT1016.
About eBITS
Enterprise Business IT Solutions (eBITS) is a unified, enterprise-focused business IT organization that partners with central business offices and stakeholders across the university to leverage a sole point of contact for enterprise systems, data, support and services. Learn more
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- Reduce administrative burdens
- Enhance information availability
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